60% of food in canada goes Uneaten

Many of the reports say that more than half of the Food produced in Canada is lost or it is wasted.

As per a study nearly 4.82 million tonnes of food is lost or wasted at the time of processing and manufacturing . Some of it is unavoidable waste like when inedible food byproducts, like animal bones are discarded. Other food waste also occurs when food is trimmed to fit  packaging, like lettuce and celery, or carrots that are peeled and sized to sell as peeled baby carrots.Some waste also takes place when produce is to take to market for sale but it is not purchased. So an alternative can be made to sell them quickly by selling them a reduced/low price.

From the consumer point of view nearly 2.38 million tonnes of Food, or more than $10 billion worth is lost. Food wastage caused during vegetable trimming are some of this food waste they can be avoided by creatively using them in soups, stews and pesto or composed.


Every year due to Food waste in Canada about 56.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent is released.Also food put into landfills creates methane gas which is about 25 times more that causes damage to the environment as compared to carbon dioxide.

When food is wasted in any form all the inputs like soil, water labour,energy,fertilizer  that we put into for producing that food are also wasted.Well there are a number of root causes for avoiding Food Loss and Food waste.

Talking about food waste at Farms can be because produce are left to rot in the farm due to not having enough labours  or low prices are cancelled orders or cutting of the food when picked.

Retailers and Consumers throw the food that is best before date, despite the fact of product dating practices and the food can still be eaten.

Consumers also cause food waste because they buy too much when items are on sale and then some of  the surplus is thrown away later.

Small measures taken can also help to avoid Food waste .Restaurant owners can also reduce the waste of food and save money by offering customers small sized meals such as replacing fries with salads that are healthy also.

Food Wastage at Home:

Food wastage at home can be avoided in many ways. The first step is making a grocery list and planning a menu.You need to always stock up the basic things required to cook a meal and then buy only those which are required to cook as per meal plan.Clinging  to the grocery list made and avoiding unnecessary buying of other stuff will save money and reduce waste of food.

It is seen that in Canada nearly 10 percent of the fresh food that consumers buy is thrown out , some of this are peels, stems and cuttings that  can be used to make vegetable broths and some go into garbage.

If we have too many  Fresh fruits or vegetables that we are not going  to use then you can avoid them from being wasted by cutting them into pieces and freezing them so that they can be used in stir fries or soups and fruits that are freezed can be used to make smoothies or baking .

When you cook a meal you should make sure that you cook food that is eaten fully and if there is leftover then you should have a plan for it. These leftovers can also make a variety of lunches and breakfast and vegetable soups. Online Food delivery is also a good option to reduce wastage of Food. If there are less people to have food then Online ordering food is a very good option.

Nowadays there are many ecommerce websites in London that provide online delivery of fresh fruits and vegetables and also grocery.So you just need to order the fruits and vegetables that you require.


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