Beyond the Box – Our Triple Bottom Line

 Imperfect what?
Imperfect fruits and veggies!

So, they’re on their last legs? I don’t know if that is for me, sorry.
…ahh, no, not really! They’re just…wonky-looking or surp-
A conversation we first had nearly two years ago and one we still have to this day.

Nearly 58% of all food produced in our country goes to waste every single year for inexplicable reasons. We are at a point in our history where we grow to waste, not to consume. We pride ourselves on equality within the community and our acceptance of diversity is something we hold in honour – but not when it is about the most basic human need. There, we choose to discriminate, judge, discard and simply ignore the relentless hard work put in by those that volunteer to feed us. Does this system sound broken? It should.
We believe that all of us can make a difference through the choices we make and the ones we do not. Our platform strives to achieve the true triple bottom line – one through which profits are realized but only in tandem with the wellbeing of our people and our planet.
Here, we will shed some light on our unsung heroes, the thought-provoking truth about our food system, and how you can become a part of the solution. You see, the box you receive each week is more than just a cardboard box brimming with misshapen food. What box you say? The one that challenges the conventional notion of perfection and is eagerly waiting to change your life.


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