
Beyond the Box – Our Triple Bottom Line

 Imperfect what? Imperfect fruits and veggies ! So, they’re on their last legs? I don’t know if that is for me, sorry. …ahh, no, not really! They’re just…wonky-looking or surp- A conversation we first had nearly two years ago and one we still have to this day. Nearly 58% of all food produced in our country goes to waste every single year for inexplicable reasons. We are at a point in our history where we grow to waste, not to consume. We pride ourselves on equality within the community and our acceptance of diversity is something we hold in honour – but not when it is about the most basic human need. There, we choose to discriminate, judge, discard and simply ignore the relentless hard work put in by those that volunteer to feed us. Does this system sound broken? It should. We believe that all of us can make a difference through the choices we make and the ones we do not. Our platform strives to achieve the true triple bottom line – one through which profits are realized but only ...

The Power of Community: Camaraderie, Connection and Compassion

  If you go back to the Paleolithic Era, nearly 40,000 years ago, the world was filled with danger and forces that were actively trying to end our life. Perhaps, it was the weather, the lack of resources, or the sabre-tooth Tiger. For over 95% of human history, we have survived living in groups of no more than 200 people. Our feelings of trust and cooperation were rooted in our connection to one another – one that was very tangible and real. We saw those that hunted for food so we could all eat. We saw those that volunteered to stay up at night so we could sleep peacefully. That was our safety. That was our community. With urbanization and the advent of modern-day technology, we are now living in groups larger than we have ever before. Some metropolitan centres are bustling with over 10 million inhabitants. Inhabitants that simply co-exist without a shared connection to the place they call home or the people they are surrounded by. We can now fly across the country in a few hours...

Zero Waste Ecosystem

  Zero Waste protects the environment, benefits communities, and recycling the economy. Reducing, Rescuing, Recycling creates 10X more jab than disposal. Zero Waste good for the environment also. It takes 20X less energy to make recycled material than material. Zero Waste is good for the community, more than 31 billion food waste every year, community initiative can redistribute unwanted food to shelters, food banks, and more.    Reducing, Reusing, Recycling can be a key part of the climate change strategy to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. Roughly 42% of all greenhouse gas emissions are caused by the production and use of goods, including food, product, and packing.   Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling will conserve that energy and dramatically reduce our carbon emission. Zero Waste conserves resource and minimize pollution. Our current culture of consumption is unsustainable. Extracting raw material from natural spaces requires a large amount of energy ...

60% of food in canada goes Uneaten

Many of the reports say that more than half of the Food produced in Canada is lost or it is wasted. As per a study nearly 4.82 million tonnes of food is lost or wasted at the time of processing and manufacturing . Some of it is unavoidable waste like when inedible food byproducts, like animal bones are discarded. Other food waste also occurs when food is trimmed to fit  packaging, like lettuce and celery, or carrots that are peeled and sized to sell as peeled baby carrots.Some waste also takes place when produce is to take to market for sale but it is not purchased. So an alternative can be made to sell them quickly by selling them a reduced/low price. From the consumer point of view nearly 2.38 million tonnes of Food, or more than $10 billion worth is lost. Food wastage caused during vegetable trimming are some of this food waste they can be avoided by creatively using them in soups, stews and pesto or composed.   Every year due to Food waste in Canada about 56.6 million tonn...

Sphagetti Squash is back!

  In a couple of weeks, grocery stores will go from having practically no squash to having so much that they must resort to putting them outside! Now for most of us, that sounds normal — it happens each year. Around Thanksgiving and Halloween, squashes and pumpkins flood the market and then disappear until the following season. There is a surge in demand followed by a sharp decline. Ever wondered what the implication is for those growing it? Let’s take a deeper dive. Leading up to the peak demand season, farmers work tirelessly to ensure that they can meet the requirements of large-scale grocery stores. However, squash that doesn’t make the cut for cosmetic reasons may get left behind. Perhaps, if it is butternut squash, it has a chance at redemption — the processing plant that will turn it into soup. But the story is a little different for the other types of squash: acorn, kabocha and spaghetti. With hardly any interest from buyers — now that the season is past its peak — the farm...

Perfefct food with imperfect shape

    It takes nearly 100 litres of water to grow just 1 pound of Tomatoes! To think that a misshapen like this is left in the fields to rot is downright scary. But do you know what's more scary? The fact that it takes on average 1100 litres of water to harvest 1 pound of rice and a whopping 6700 litres of water to farm 1 pound of beef. Sustainability in our food system starts with the choices we make and things we put on our plate. To get fresh foods at your door steps just visit our website:

Zero Waste - Increasing Business Sustainability and Maximizing

Business sustainability movements for zero-waste , which is when businesses don't produce any solid waste (garbage). While the zero-waste s ystem could seem to be a radical movement, its fundamental principles help maximize resource efficiency. within the zero-waste system, every resource within your area features a dedicated purpose, including the waste, which is produced as a result have the manufacturing or operational process. In terms of business sustainability, zero-waste is that the goal, therein the organization is, self-sustainable. The typical household system takes quite that wants to eat. because it utilizes energy and resources to make a product that becomes waste during a set period of your time. Additionally, all households nearly always order more vegetables, fruits, and other groceries items than they have, which expire and become waste. for instance, if a corporation produces boxes of cookies, the packaging of the merchandise enters landfills once the merchandise...